
Error working with outlook date/time properties

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am having trouble accessing properties such as LastModificationTime, Start and End on the appointment object in outlook. I am getting this error in the console when trying to access the item.Start / item.End

[Date (bug?)]
ASSERT in 00000000 module ..\src\ @node_win32ole::V8Variant::CreateOCVariant: !v->IsUndefined()
error: The operation completed successfully.

I am able to work with the property in the restrict method on items so I think its a valid property.

var items = calendar.Items.restrict("[Start] > '03/10/2013'");

I am looking to access the date as a string or something I can use in JS. Any thoughts?

Thank you so much for your report and fixed code ( ) .
I've merged it to new version win32ole@0.1.1 that supports Date type in JS.

Thanks for the quick fix. It works great.