
See my corrected fork for node > 4.0

Opened this issue · 12 comments

durs commented

If anyone who is interested see my corrected fork
As well as an alternative project

Amazing work! Thanks!
Do you plan to publish your fork on NPM?

durs commented

@durs, great thanks!

@idobatter Would it possible to merger PR #29 which allows to use this addon with node 4+?

If you do not have the time to take care of this, would you agree to give @durs write access to the repo + transfer the NPM package?

Looking forward to it :-)

durs commented

Ok, you appended to collaborators. It's enough?

durs commented

Upload 0.2.3 release, and register as winax

could this lib support a linux machine ?

durs commented


@durs ,I want to know the maximum supported node version.

durs commented
SpeCT commented

works fine with 8.12
thanks @durs and thanks @idobatter.

any chance to see it merged and published to npm?

durs commented

try my extended analog node-activex
npm install winax