
Why node exits without any error messages?

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I trying to use your great nodejs module in system monitoring daemon and see very strange behavior. Please see working code sample. When I run it without changes node will exits at 1050-1100 step without any error messages. But this sample have infinite loop.

Changes of timeouts in line 10 are not helps. If I uncomment line 25 with console.log of result object - all begins works ok. If I not touch line 25 and comment line 31 - all works ok too.

What is the reason for this strange behavior?

var win32ole = require( 'win32ole' );
var x=0;

var locator = win32ole.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
var svr = locator.ConnectServer('.', 'root/cimv2'); // . = self PC

function test() {
    wmi_query( [ 'DeviceID', 'FreeSpace', 'Size' ], 'Win32_LogicalDisk', 'Size != Null' );
  x++; console.log( x );
    setTimeout( test, 1 ); // tested values 1, 10, 50, 100 - all buggy

function wmi_query( fields, from, where ) {
  var q = 'SELECT ' + fields.join( ',' ) + ' FROM ' + from; if( where !== undefined ) q += ' WHERE ' + where;
  q = svr.ExecQuery( q );
  var count = q.Count;
  var result = [];
  for( var iq = 0; iq < count; iq++ ){
    var item = q.ItemIndex( iq ), obj = {};
    for( var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { 
       obj[ fields[ i ] ] = wmi_prop( item, fields[ i ] ); 
    result.push( obj );
    //console.log(obj); // 1050-1100 times w/o this
  return( result );

function wmi_prop( obj, propertyname ){
  var property = obj[propertyname]; // if remove this, works normally
  return property == null ? 'NULL' : property;

Also I have a problem for select some fields from WQL. For example, I unable to get CurrentTimeZone value from Win32_OperatingSystem. Node exits with error:

OLE error: [CurrentTimeZone] -2147352570 [CurrentTimeZone] IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames AutoWrap() failed

Similar situation is with SettingID value from Win32_StartupCommand. Both of these values perfectly gets with using cscript.exe + JSscript.

Additional remark. Same code with console.log enabled in line 25 also causes error in 39880 iteration:

OLE error: [Count] -2147352567 [Count] = [1] (It always seems to be appeared at that time you mistake calling 'obj.get { ocv->getProp() }' <-> ' { ocv->invoke() }'.) IDispatch::Invoke AutoWrap() failed

In continuation of the dialog with myself :)

The above script also consumes a lot of memory. And memory usage raises every second. And your garbage collection functions don't change the picture.