

yurrriq opened this issue · 9 comments

  • Describe my general plan
    • Copy text
    • Translate code idiomatically
    • Update (edit/augment/delete) text accordingly
    • ... ?
  • Firm up prerequisites (related: #10)
  • Maybe get a good shell.nix sorted (TeX in Nix is pretty broken atm...)
  • Solicit contributions
  • Describe the pandoc workflow, including the hybrid GFM/TeX Literate Idris.
  • Consider ditching the hybrid GFM madness for regular LaTeX
    This turned out to be more annoying that it seemed worth, so I abandoned the idea.

@yurrriq, this is a very nice initiative! Certainly something I'd love to contribute to. I'm about half way through SF-in-Coq so contributing here would help motivate me complete SF-in-Coq while working out how to do all this stuff in Idris.

A quick google search seems to indicate that GFM = GitHub Flavoured Markdown?

Might be nice to set up a Gitter channel for this project (if you don't mind that kind of thing).

Awesome! I don't have much experience with Gitter but would be amenable to it. Maybe @jfdm has to set it up since he's the admin.

Is there a chance for the Gitter channel to happen? I'm almost done with Poly and anticipate getting stuck on the coming chapters - would be cool to have a place to ask for help and invite potential contributors to.

I have no experience setting that up and don't use Gitter, personally. I'm yurrriq on IRC and hang out in #idris. Feel free to mention or DM me there whenever.

To avoid duplicated efforts could you open issues or WIP PRs when you're working on new stuff so I and others know what not to do?

You're more likely to get ahold of Idrisers on #idris on Freenode -- Gitter isn't big in the Idris community.

@david-christiansen Sure, my idea was to have some dedicated place to discuss SF-related issues and not to flood the main channel. The book does ask not to post solutions in public after all :) But I guess this won't generate much traffic, so it's probably safe to discuss directly in #idris or ##dependent.

I don't think anyone would mind discussion of writing Idris on #idris. Clearly, you should feel free to discuss things wherever you want --- I just figure you're likely to encounter general Idris issues that the folks in #idris can help with, and that this might be useful.

I think Coq and Idris are different enough too that we wouldn't be ruining much for any Coq students by discussing strategies in Idris.