
convert table or spreadsheet data into an image

Primary LanguageJavaScript


convert table or spreadsheet data into an image


One day, I had to build a slack slash command which reports marketing reports to our company slack channel. I wanted to format the command results look like table, but I could not find a simple way to do that. I decided to build a table-like view using markdown text, and struggled to do that. However, the layout was broken with small windows or with CJK charaters. So I decided to build the report as an image.


I hope this module will help someone who wants to convert a simple spreadsheet data into an image,


npm install table-renderer canvas

node-canvas module is peer-dependency. You have to install it, too.



import path from 'path';
import TableRenderer, { saveImage } from 'table-renderer';

const renderTable = TableRenderer().render;

const canvas = renderTable({
	title: 'Marketing Summary',
	columns: [
		{ width: 200, title: 'Campaign', dataIndex: 'campaign' },
		{ width: 100, title: 'Install', dataIndex: 'install', align: 'right' },
		{ width: 100, title: 'Cost', dataIndex: 'cost', align: 'right' },
	dataSource: [
		{ campaign: 'Google CPC', install: '12', cost: '$ 400' },
		{ campaign: 'Facebook CPC', install: '3', cost: '$ 60' },
		{ campaign: 'Youtube Video', install: '131', cost: '$ 1,230' },
		{ campaign: 'Total', install: '146', cost: '$ 1,690' },

saveImage(canvas, path.join(__dirname, 'example.png'));

single table



TableRenderer(options = {}) => ({ render: function });


  • cellWidth {number} default width for a table cell. default = 100
  • cellHeight {number} default height for a table cell. default = 40
  • offsetLeft {number} default text offset from left border of table cell. default = 8
  • offsetTop {number} default text offset from top border of table cell. default = 26
  • spacing {number} spacing between tables. default = 20
  • titleSpacing {number} spacing between title and a table. default = 10
  • fontFamily {string} default = 'sans-serif'
  • paddingVertical {number} vertical padding of a page. default = 0
  • paddingHorizontal {number} horizontal padding of a page. default = 0
  • backgroundColor {string} page background color. default = '#ffffff'


render((tables: Object | Array)) => Canvas;

tables parameter is either Object or Array. Single table is comprised of title, columns, and dataSource, where title is optional. Parameters of render function resembles ant-design Table paramters.

The function returns Canvas object, which is an instance of node-canvas. So, you can add canvas operations to it.

    title: 'Marketing Summary',
    columns: [...],
    dataSource: [...]


saveImage((canvas: Canvas), (filepath: String)) => Promise;