
Prevent dependabot from updating scalatest_2.13

Closed this issue · 2 comments

testCompile "org.scalatest:scalatest_${scalaVersion}:3.0.8"

Dependabot works as intended, as it updates to the most recent version. However, within maven central, there is a version 3.3.0-SNAP3, which actually isn't the most recent version (and also a snapshot). Maybe you would like to take a look on how to configure dependabot and exclude this version.

Moreover, there is also the opportunity to assign default reviewers and stuff. If you figure out a reasonable yaml-config, this could be a blueprint for our other projects as well.

As a little note : We now use the native github version of dependabot instead of dependabot preview.


Best case would be to exclude every version that contains "-SNAP". The problem is, that * wildcard pattern matching doesn't work for Versions. We can denote every version 3 by specifying 3.x but I guess x.-SNAP will not do the trick.

I could go for 3.3.x to exclude the currently available snapshots and delete it once a stable 3.3.0 is out, or go for versions: [3.3.0-SNAP1, 3.3.0-SNAP2, 3.3.0-SNAP3] which would mean i have to update it manually when a SNAP4 surfaces.

Any preferences or do I miss something?

You may add version "wildcards" as usually used within the dependency management. Therefore, I introduced the ignorance of x.x.x-SNAP+ and x.x.x-M+. However, I'm not totally sure, if this blocks more versions, that I would like to. We have to keep an eye on this.