
Merge CS 241 and ECE 391?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

They are both related to computer systems. ECE 391 might be lower level, but there will be a lot of the same stuff between the two.

I was considering merging them, but I wasn't sure how to. Should do we do the lowest common subset kind of thing (meaning CS 241)?

And maybe just add an extra section at the end for 391? Just thought they should be merged since they probably share more than topics than the differ.

I would actually recommend keeping them separate. Other than synchronization, there's little content they have in common.

I'm going to have to agree with @milanocookies93 , they're actually different levels of systems work and what you learn is different in each, barring synchronization at least.

I'm sure copy/paste won't be a problem for any common items