
Prune build process

HendrikStrobelt opened this issue · 3 comments

The current building pipeline requires knowledge about Jekyll (Ruby, Gems, Docker,... ) and Webpack (NPM, SASS, NodeJS,...). This makes onboarding of new chairs very very hard and also requires a stack of dependencies that is hard to maintain . Creating a set of static webpages should not be that complex. Maybe focus on a webpack or python stack only.

Another example:

  • Where and how is governance/ served ?
  • Why is there one VUE component ?
  • ..

Agreed, for example if we could go down to simple github pages, the entire build and deployment process would become trivial... We'll talk about it.

Vue component was made by the designer we hired to redesign; it handles the navbar and the accessibility for it.

Governance is placed by the last-built branch, then "placed" by calling via make2022 (etc)