
Fix content problem on year/2022//info/committees/

DavidLaidlaw opened this issue · 2 comments

This page has the wrong names. The committee has been updated for the current year. I emailed about this 3 weeks ago, but there was no response. I'm not sure how to get this corrected. I know that I have been added to the committee, and I am fairly certain that Torsten Moeller has, as well. I don't know what other changes have been made.

On the 2022 committee:

steven mark drucker
hendrik strobelt
shigeo takahashi (missing, probably first year))
penny rheingans
torsten moller (missing, first year)
carlos scheidegger
heike leitte
david laidlaw (missing, first year)
ingrid hotz (missing, probably first year)

Currently on the page but should be removed:
Alex Endert
Issei Fijishiro
Christoph Garth
Heidi Lam

Please create a Pull request with the correct changes as web team is not responsible for content.
Also the Affiliations have to be added for the missing persons.