
Consolidation scripts: improvements

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • to avoid data loss, use dropna=False when data are merged!
  • strip excessive white space?
  • Anreicherung von Ortsdaten mit Territorien des Reiches: Wikidata, Herder, Niklas Alt!? Also integrate place data collected for the Mainz Topographia.
  • "df. merge": be sure to use (how="left")

Transfer list of "Reichsstände" (see Regensburg meeting!) to CSV on Github: how many direct matches with places / cities are possible?

Personen: persons_ProfAPI.csv -> Factoid_PersonNames_merged.csv -> neue IDs für Profs und Studies!

Orte: Ortsontologie_Geocoded_geprüft.xlsx: Spaltennamen anpassen!!

Verbinden mit 2023_01_Places_AP3_Topographia.xlsx?

Places_Geonames_Wikidata.csv (utf-8): geonames_id and wikidata_id

place_modern = place_name

ID in Topographia = topographia_id?
Place_HRE = place_Topographia