
Examples do not show how to include owner details

antsmc2 opened this issue · 2 comments

I find that the documentation/examples do not mention how to create the tron instance with contract owner information. After reading the source code I was able to figure out the following code and it works. Without this, I kept getting errors during the contract deploy step.

test_url = ''
tron = Tron(full_node=test_url, solidity_node=test_url, event_server=test_url,
            private_key='af2389b556*****',        # my private key
            default_address='TQB3j6w7****')     # my tron address

Any chance to update the document to include the following information?

documentation for such a library is not much needed, just a couple of times to jump into the source code and read (but the documentation would certainly be better :)

All methods are commented out.