
C error on running android example

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Thank you for making this insanely cool program!!!

Desktop worked fine but I got this error on Android. I tried adding --cc:clang to nimOpts and APP_CFLAGS=-std=c11 to ndk-build, but no dice.

Life and inclination permitting- does this error message look familiar to you, by any chance?

/home/carlo/mywiish/dist/android/project/org.wiish.webviewexample/app/jni/src/x86_64/stdlib_system.nim.c:3435:52: error: unexpected type name 'RootObj': expected expression
NTI__ytyiCJqK439aF9cIibuRVpAg_.align = NIM_ALIGNOF(RootObj);

iffy commented

I wonder if that's a nimbase.h version mismatch problem... I'm in the process of revamping a good chunk of this library (in the web-dev and build-plugins branches. One of the improvements is using the correct nimbase.h depending on your nim version. After I get those merged in, I'd be interested in having you try again.

Also, what host OS are you on? macOS?
And are you building an SDL app or a webview app?

I wonder if that's a nimbase.h version mismatch problem

That sounds about right!

I'm on an up-to-date arch linux, that comes with Nim 1.4 and it was a webview app. Sure, just let me know, I'd love to give it a spin.

iffy commented

@capocasa Can you try again with the latest master?

Got a minor issue

Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory
Additional info: "/home/carlo/wiish/wiishpkg/building/data/default.png" [OSError]

fixed it with touch /home/carlo/wiish/wiishpkg/building/data/default.png

Then I got similar build error in gradle to the originally one- attached log.


Desktop app works fine with wiish run but I get a note saying linux is not supported with wiish build.

Readme error, in the binary it's build run --android, not build run --os android

iffy commented

I think maybe you need to uninstall the old wiish version and reinstall it:

nimble uninstall wiish
nimble install wiish