
/community - clarification and redirection

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A thought to consider if we decide to update or rework the community page.

Users complain on our community page about the lack of official response and communication from iFit. However, the community page is not meant to be the place where users communicate officially with iFit nor the place where iFit makes official posts; we have other avenues for that. Community is meant to be a place for user to user interaction, support, and motivation.

Responding to users on the community page sometimes creates more issues than it resolves. When users see that there is an official iFit rep on, issues tend to escalate; when users see someone to vent to, the community can turn to negative complaints rather than positive interaction.

However, users are frequently frustrated by our lack of communication (examples: 1, 2, 3). Users obviously and understandably would like to hear from us more.

We might alleviate some of their frustration and reduce the amount of negative iFit posts on Community if we clearly communicate to users that Community is not meant for this and direct them to our Live Chat, Feedback, and Support Site instead. Matt does an excellent job with the support site, but I feel like many of our users are not aware of it.

Perhaps we might brainstorm some ideas on how to redirect users to Live Chat, Feedback, and Support and clarify the purpose of the community pages?

We might consider options like:

  • including Community, Live Chat, Feedback, and Support Site in our initial tutorial.
  • Providing a "?" help link on the community site that, when clicked, explains in a modal that this is not the place to communicate with iFit reps and directs users to other features.
  • Create a more prominent link (perhaps in the main Menu) to our support site.

Many users are just seeking validation or even just acknowledgement of their concerns, suggestions, and questions. I think if we were a little more clear, we could give them this validation in places other than the Community page.

Some users would also just like to be notified about the updates, fixes, and enhancements we are making on a daily basis. A simple notification board (perhaps on the support site) where we could post "patch notes" would likely be appreciated.

Eventually we might consider a place where users could post and vote on issues. This may help them feel like they are a part of the process and that we are listening to their input.

Recent comments:
...reps that monitor Community?
...place to put ideas?
They need a space on the dashboard where they let us all know there is a problem.

@joeyhdez10 @MattEvans1