
/community - minor quirk

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May not be worth considering in hopes of a complete Community rework, but a quick fix.

We have a function on Community where if a user clicks Details on a post, then comes back to Community, the page will automatically scroll down to the post she had clicked on.

Just as users scroll through comments, some users like to scroll through the workouts page to search for new maps. If a user clicks Details on a workout, then clicks back, the page scrolls down, but the Feed will have switched back to Statuses.

We likely intended to have the Feed stay on Workouts. Some users have mentioned this since they then have to scroll back up and change the feed to workouts again which causes them to lose their place.

It might be nice if the Feed remembered the users selection and defaulted to that feed when they return to the Community page.


Reproduction Steps
Go to ifit.com/community
Click Statuses
Change the Feed to Workouts
Scroll down and click Details on any workout
Click back
Note how the page is showing posts again rather than workouts
