
ifm3d ver 0.20.3 and ifm3d_ros ver 0.7.0, catkin_make error

coa06yl opened this issue · 17 comments

Screenshot from 2023-06-01 11-59-19
Screenshot from 2023-06-01 12-10-20
But when I check the ifm3d version, it is 0.18.0.

Maybe you installed ifm3d 0.18.0 from source and you still have it installed on your machine and this is the one ifm3d-ros finds.

Maybe you installed ifm3d 0.18.0 from source and you still have it installed on your machine and this is the one ifm3d-ros finds.

Screenshot from 2023-06-07 12-51-46
I follow the instruction in ver 0.20.0. after install ifm3d, the version is 0.18.0. Pls help!

Hi @coa06yl,

I have looked at the ifm3d repository but I cannot able to find any Branch or Tag referring to ver 0.20.0. But I would suggest to go in route of using Docker.

I am assuming that you require following setup on your machine.

OS type: 64-bit
ROS distribution: melodic
ifm3d version: 0.20.3
ifm3d-ros version: 0.7.0


FROM ros:melodic-perception AS build

ARG IFM3D_TAG=tags/v0.20.3

# Create the ifm user
RUN id ifm 2>/dev/null || useradd --uid 30000 --create-home -s /bin/bash -U ifm
WORKDIR /home/ifm

ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    coreutils \
    findutils \
    git \
    libboost-all-dev \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libgoogle-glog-dev \
    libgtest-dev \
    libopencv-dev \
    libpcl-dev \
    libproj-dev \
    libxmlrpc-c++8-dev \
    locales \
    ninja-build \
    wget \
RUN apt-get clean

# Install cmake
RUN wget -O - "${CMAKE_VERSION}/cmake-${CMAKE_VERSION}-linux-$(uname -i).tar.gz" \
    | tar -xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr

# First clone ifm3d repo

RUN mkdir src && \
    cd src && \
    git clone ${IFM3D_CLONE_REPO} ifm3d && \
    cd ifm3d && \
    git checkout ${IFM3D_TAG} && \
    echo "Building from tag ${IFM3D_TAG}" && \
    mkdir build && \
    cd build && \
    cmake -GNinja cmake \
    -DBUILD_IN_DEPS=OFF .. && \
    cmake --build . && \
    cmake --build . --target install

# copy ifm from install location to /usr
RUN cp -r /install/* /usr/

# use the first build stage to also compile the ros package as it has shared dependencies as ifm3d
RUN mkdir -p catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src

# Initialize catkin workspace
RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_init_workspace'

# Clone and build ifm3d-ros repo
RUN cd /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src && \
    git clone ${IFM3D_ROS_CLONE_REPO} -b ${IFM3D_ROS_BRANCH} --single-branch 

RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_make'

RUN mkdir -p /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/
RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_make install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/install'

Instructions to build the docker container

  1. Copy the above code and paste in a file named Dockerfile
  2. Build the Docker Container
$docker build . -t ifm3d-ros:melodic-x86_64
  1. Run the docker Container
$docker run -ti --network host ifm3d-ros:melodic-x86_64
  1. Now the docker container will be running in interactive mode and you can now launch the camera node.
    It is important to source the ROS and Catkin workspace before launching the node

Hi @dekhanra, Thanks for the prompt reply. When I build the Docker Container, there is an error msg.

Screenshot from 2023-06-08 10-55-31
Screenshot from 2023-06-08 10-55-53

@dekhanra this is where I found ifm3d ver 0.20.3

Screenshot from 2023-06-08 11-02-52

Hi @coa06yl ,

Sorry my bad, the arguments are initialized again as empty arguments in the Dockerfile at Line 67 and Line 43. Can you delete them and try again. Below is the Dockerfile

FROM ros:melodic-perception AS build

ARG IFM3D_TAG=tags/v0.20.3

# Create the ifm user
RUN id ifm 2>/dev/null || useradd --uid 30000 --create-home -s /bin/bash -U ifm
WORKDIR /home/ifm

ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    coreutils \
    findutils \
    git \
    libboost-all-dev \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libgoogle-glog-dev \
    libgtest-dev \
    libopencv-dev \
    libpcl-dev \
    libproj-dev \
    libxmlrpc-c++8-dev \
    locales \
    ninja-build \
    wget \
RUN apt-get clean

# Install cmake
RUN wget -O - "${CMAKE_VERSION}/cmake-${CMAKE_VERSION}-linux-$(uname -i).tar.gz" \
    | tar -xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr

# First clone ifm3d repo
RUN mkdir src && \
    cd src && \
    git clone ${IFM3D_CLONE_REPO} ifm3d && \
    cd ifm3d && \
    git checkout ${IFM3D_TAG} && \
    echo "Building from tag ${IFM3D_TAG}" && \
    mkdir build && \
    cd build && \
    cmake -GNinja cmake \
    -DBUILD_IN_DEPS=OFF .. && \
    cmake --build . && \
    cmake --build . --target install

# copy ifm from install location to /usr
RUN cp -r /install/* /usr/

# use the first build stage to also compile the ros package as it has shared dependencies as ifm3d
RUN mkdir -p catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src

# Initialize catkin workspace
RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_init_workspace'

# Clone and build ifm3d-ros repo
RUN cd /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/src && \
    git clone ${IFM3D_ROS_CLONE_REPO} -b ${IFM3D_ROS_BRANCH} --single-branch 

RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_make'

RUN mkdir -p /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/
RUN /bin/bash -c 'cd /home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/; . /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash; catkin_make install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ifm/catkin_ws/ifm3d-ros/install'

@dekhanra It is my first time to use docker. I managed to catkin_make it. In order to launch the camera, may I know the package name and launch file name? Thanks
Screenshot from 2023-06-15 11-12-02

Hi @coa06yl
We use the Dockerfiles for two options:

  • To have a consistent user environment and dependency setup: i.e. check that the ROS node compiles and runs.
    In your case, if you share the ROS master and node in the same Docker container you can treat it exactly the same as if ROS were running “bare metal” on your native machine - i.e regular ROS launch:
  • Alternatively, you can treat the Dockerfile as installation and setup “recipe” to configure your native machine equivalently and run it there.

@dekhanra I managed to run the camera node. But from the docker, I couldn't ping the camera. Should I use port binding or some other methods to connect the camera? By the way, my ROS version is Noetic.

Screenshot from 2023-06-19 13-48-45
Screenshot from 2023-06-19 13-55-06

Hi @coa06yl, can you able to ping the camera inside the docker container? To execute ping inside docker container you may need to install the iputils-ping package.

apt-get install -y iputils-ping

I guess you have given --network flag as host while running docker container

docker run -ti --network host ifm3d-ros:melodic-x86_64

@dekhanra when I try to bind the port, I encountered this msg. ros master port: 11311 camera port: 80
Screenshot from 2023-06-22 11-54-09
I can ping the camera inside the docker
Screenshot from 2023-06-22 13-02-49

then when I roslaunch the camera, I got the following msg.
Screenshot from 2023-06-22 11-57-37

Hej @coa06yl I guess the base error is still the same as: #70 can you please verify with the ifm Vision Assistant if the camera is maybe put into software trigger mode?

Hi @graugans , you mean this? Should be continuous? Appreciated, if you could tell me how to do the setting.


Hi @coa06yl,

Is the Timeout waiting for camera! error continuous or just at startup of the ROS node? It is expected if it comes at startup due to latency and the node is not closed. You can increase the timeout_millis parameter in the launch file to 600 to 700 milliseconds which may help, but if it the error is continuous then we need to look further.

@dekhanra The error is just at startup of the ROS node. I installed nano in docker and tried to edit the camera.launch file in docker container. I tried timeout_millis 500, 600 and 700, but the result is same. But I managed to connect to O3X camera and received data from it. I even can get the topics outside of docker in ROS Noetic.

Many thanks for the support from the team!

Screenshot from 2023-06-26 12-29-56


It is expected during the Node startup because of Latency as I explained above. If the issue is resolved can we close this Issue
? If there are any further questions please feel free to open to new issue.

Hi @dekhanra Once again thank you for your help. Pls close this issue.