
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Microsoft Azure

Deploy an Article CMS to Azure

Set Path Variable(CMD):

PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn"

Download Project Files(CMD):

git clone https://github.com/udacity/nd081-c1-provisioning-microsoft-azure-vms-project-starter

Navigate to Downloaded Folder and Rename the Project Folder(CMD):

ren nd081-c1-provisioning-microsoft-azure-vms-project-starter SourceProject

Login to Azure with CLI:

az login

Create a Resource Group:

az group create --name ArticleCmsRg --location <YOUR-LOCATION>

Create an SQL Server:

az sql server create --name <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME> --admin-user <USERNAME> --admin-password <PASSWORD> --resource-group ArticleCmsRg
In Config-py File:

Replace With

Create a Database:

az sql db create --name UdaProjectCMS --resource-group resource-group-west --server <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME> 
In Config-py File:

Replace With
SQL_DB_NAME ArticleCmsDb

Locate Your Public IP Address (Copy Address from Name):

nslookup myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com

Enable Firewall Access for Your IP:

az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group ArticleCmsRg --server <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME> --name "AllowMyIP" --start-ip-address <IP-FROM-PREVIOUS-STEP>  --end-ip-address  <IP-FROM-PREVIOUS-STEP>

Navigate to Source Project Folder:

Create user and article tables and insert data:

sqlcmd -S <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME>.database.windows.net -d ArticleCmsDb -U sqladmin -i .\sql_scripts\users-table-init.sql
sqlcmd -S <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME>.database.windows.net -d ArticleCmsDb -U sqladmin -i .\sql_scripts\posts-table-init.sql

Create a Storage Account:

az storage account create  --name <YOUR-STORAGE-ACCOUNT-NAME>  --resource-group ArticleCmsRg  --sku Standard_ZRS  
Navigate to your Storage Account and Create an Image Container with Access Level set to Container

Under Settings Copy an Access Key

In Config-py File:

Replace With

In Azure Active Directory Create App Registration Copy <CLIENT_ID> from App Registration Overview

Create and Copy <CLIENT_SECRET> from Certificates & Secrets

In Config-py File:

Replace With

Add Logging Functionality:

Under FlaskWebProject in init.py File add these lines:

	streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()

In views.py File Add-

  • For Invalid Password add this Line:
app.logger.warning("Logging in failed for user:{}".format(form.username.data))
  • For Successful Login add this Line:
app.logger.info("Logging in user:{}".format(form.username.data))
  • For Logout:
app.logger.info("Logging out user: {}".format(session.get("user")))

Add functionality to the Sign-In with Microsoft button:

In Views-py File

In authorized function add this Line:

result = _build_msal_app(cache=cache).acquire_token_by_authorization_code(request.args['code'],scopes=Config.SCOPE,redirect_uri=url_for('authorized', _external=True, _scheme='https'))
  • Remove result = None

In _load_cache function add these Lines:

    cache = msal.SerializableTokenCache()
    if session.get('token_cache'):
    return cache
  • Remove cache = None

In _save_cache function add these Lines:

    if cache.has_state_changed:
        session['token_cache'] = cache.serialize()

In _build_msal_app function add this Line:

    return msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
    Config.CLIENT_ID, authority=authority,
    client_credential=Config.CLIENT_SECRET, token_cache=cache)

In _build_auth_url function add this Line:

    return _build_msal_app(authority=authority).get_authorization_request_url(scopes,state=state,redirect_uri=url_for('authorized', _external=True, _scheme='https'))

Deploy The App:

az webapp up --name FinalCmsProgApp --sku F1 --resource-group ArticleCmsRg

In the App Overview Page Copy App URL In Azure Active Directory Under your App Registration Click Add a Redirect URI Click Add a Platform Under Web Set The following URls-

Field Value
Redirect URIs <YOUR-APP-URL>/getAToken
Front-channel logout URL <YOUR-APP-URL>/login

Get Public IP Address of the app:

 az webapp show --resource-group resource-group-west --name UdaProjectCMS  --query outboundIpAddresses --output tsv

Copy the Smallest and Latrgest IP's as and

Allow App to access internal sql server:

az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group resource-group-west
 --server <YOUR-SQL-SERVERNAME>  --name "AllowAppIP" --start-ip-address  <SMALLEST-IP-FROM-PREVIOUS-STEP>  --end-ip-address  <LARGEST-IP-FROM-PREVIOUS-STEP>

Run and Test the Application