
Same tracking ID being assigned to two different objects

raj-kapil opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using yolov8 as my detection algo. yolov8 has model.track() method where we can specify the tracker. The sample tracker config that I have been using is -
tracker_type: bytetrack track_high_thresh: 0.9 # threshold for the first association track_low_thresh: 0.1 # threshold for the second association new_track_thresh: 0.95 # threshold for init new track if the detection does not match any tracks track_buffer: 25 # buffer to calculate the time when to remove tracks match_thresh: 1.0 # threshold for matching tracks

The majority of the time the tracking id keeps on incrementing with each new object but sometimes the same ID is assigned to two different objects. What could be the possible reason for this and how can I mitigate this issue? This is one of the rare issues that I am facing.

I did try changing the track_buffer. But the problem with the track buffer is that if I lower it then I will get too many tracking IDs for a single object and if I increase it then that would only amplify the current issue

You can take a look here at my resultant video re-assignment issue video and my sample notebook that recreates this issue sample kaggle notebook. The video that I am running on is sample video.

hey I have the same problem, for me its cars leaving the video frame and then a new car comes in and gets the same ID. I have also tried changing the track_buffer down to 5-10, but it stays the same. Sometimes there is even 10 seconds before the new car enters the frame and gets assigned the same ID as the car before. I was wondering if you were able to fix your problem and might be able to offer some help :)

hey @phipsi369, I have stopped looking into this as the error rate was 0.5-1% for me on my data. But yes eventually, I have to look into this. Will let you know if I am able to fix this, meanwhile if you are able to fix it, please do post the solution or explanation here.

P.S. You should play with the tracker config, that's the only thing i know.