
I've encountered while using the YOLOX trained model for object tracking.

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@ifzhang @Johnqczhang
i had trained the head model on YOLOX and added that model in ByteTracker pretraied model folder and ran the below command
!python3 tools/demo_track.py video -f exps/default/yolox_s.py -c /content/drive/MyDrive/epoch_99_ckpt.pth --fp16 --fuse --path /content/ByteTrack/videos/palace.mp4 --save_result &> log.txt
Not getting the bounding boxes on head.
But when i ran the source YOLOX object detection demo , am getting the bounding boxes with the same model.
Any idea , what am missing here.

@tericalpha same question. How did you solve that?