
Laravel Backpack: Namespace views not working

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When including a blade file using @include the path is not resolved using the theme's directory and defaults to /vendor/.

For example I have the following views:

      |  └──index.blade.php

Inside of index.blade.php , @include('backpack::layout') should resolve as \resources\themes\AdminLTE2\vendor\backpack\base\layout.blade.php
but instead (if assume) tries resources\views\vendor\backpack\base\layout.blade.php but defaults to\vendor\backpack\base\src\resources\views\layout.blade.php as it cannot find the views.

EDIT: forgot to put \views\

Hello @jer3m01,

This is confusing...

I am checking the laravel docs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/packages > 'Overriding Package Views' and it mentions: "Laravel actually registers two locations for your views: the application's resources/views/vendor directory and the directory you specify"

I believe that this line backpack Service provider is creating some conflicts because the same path (minus one level) is already included by Laravel under the same namespace.

I need to install a backpack and investigate this in depth...

It seems that we have the same problem but it only happens to team developers using windows.
It works on OSX and on Linux.
Maybe it's a folder separator problem?
After reading again: We don't use backpack, but the problem is the same.