
Good 1on1 questions to ask

igeligel opened this issue · 0 comments

  • What business impact is our work is trying to drive? What other ways could we drive that?
  • What aspects of the process are causing tension or stress, how do we improve the way we deliver software
  • If you were to look back on my progress in 1 year and say "wow, that was incredible growth", what would that progress look like? What actionable steps and metrics does that imply?
  • Are there any ways you can see our relationship could be improved?
  • What could they give you or do for you that would revolutionize the way you work?
  • What can I do to help your work that you wouldn't normally ask for?
  • I'm looking to move into X role eventually, can you make some introductions / suggest a course of action?
  • How am I progressing on the action plan i defined, that I've set expectations of a raise on?
  • If we could change 1 thing about our industry, company, or team, what would it be?