
Blog: Series: How to write a resume as a software engineer

igeligel opened this issue · 6 comments

Include different stories like:

  1. The general structure of your CV
  2. The 10 Second Rule / First Impression
    • File Optimizer for PDF usage, make the file size small so people download it faster and it can be opened faster
  3. The header of your resume
  4. Education
  5. Work Experience
    • Put logos of companies on your resume if the companies
  6. Projects
  7. Technical Skills
  8. Target your resume to the role
  9. Last impression

Resources: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14xBtpIIHsDhUsqR2yrv4ZoRO4WZvIGqq

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Look at your resume. Look at EACH WORD/technology. If I ask you right now “how did you use X?” or “why did you decide to implement Y?” are you able to answer in detail? If not - get it off your resume.

Mention in Structure chapter that file should be a PDF and copy pastable

Present tense in current position, past tense in past positions

Chapter The 10 Second Rule / First Impression mention visualeyes. also that resume is overlooked first 10 seconds and then you should hook the hiring manager into the resume

Keep the personal stuff short. It's not about the person but about the accomplishments