
Implement interactive message API.

ignacio-chiazzo opened this issue · 3 comments

The messages_api allows users to send interactive messages.

We need to implement the functions defined in messages.rb

def send_interactive_button
# TODO: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#contacts-object
def send_interactive_reply_buttons
# TODO: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#contacts-object
def send_interactive_section
# TODO: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#contacts-object

Read the FB documentation here.

Hey again @ignacio-chiazzo, I would like to go ahead with adding integration for sending interactive list messages/sections from the TODOs of #79

I had a question regarding the implementation, is it okay to rename the newly added, but unreleased interactive API send_interactive_reply_buttons to send_interactive_message? As per the documentation and our support for Interactive resource, we should use the same for all send_interactive_button, send_interactive_reply_buttons, send_interactive_section etc. Please let me know what your alternative would be.

is it okay to rename the newly added, but unreleased interactive API send_interactive_reply_buttons to send_interactive_message?

Yes, I agree that's the right move. Adding breaking changes to that method is fine since it isn't released.

Thanks @alienware! the version 0.8.0 was just released and contains interactive messages!