How to run the project?
riteshhota2008 opened this issue · 4 comments
Thank you so much for your work. Really appreciate it. Best mask-RCNN implementation.
I have completed Compiling the Coco API and RoIAlign.
I checked the demo notebook. But I was not able to understand how to run this project.
Could you please tell me which file I need to run to get the results pdf output.
Hi, if you run the demo notebook, the pdf should be generated when running the last cell.
Thanks. I tried but I am getting this error. Could you please help me out?
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
3 # class_scores,bbox_deltas,rois,img_features=eval_model(sample)
4 #else:
----> 5 class_scores,bbox_deltas,rois,img_features=eval_model(sample)
7 # postprocess output:
NameError: name 'eval_model' is not defined
is defined in the cell right before that one. You need to run the whole notebook from top to bottom, right?
Okay. Got it. Thanks.
It worked.