
Remote debugging does not work

menih opened this issue · 2 comments

menih commented

I tried to follow threads that suggest remote node debugging. I've configured node name and cookie as expected, placed few break points. none hits. What should I be looking at?

menih commented

This is what console reports :

/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/23.2.7/lib/erlang/bin/erl -pa /private/var/folders/3h/c847tj6d3t34p506l_m7g2pr0000gq/T/intellij_erlang_debugger_9 -pa /Users/menihillel/couchbase/chesshire-cat/ns_server/ebin -pa /Users/menihillel/couchbase/chesshire-cat/ns_server -run debugnode main 57293 -sname debugger_node_1615066633919 -noshell
Connection failed:

I have configured the correct module, remote node name and cookie...

menih commented

@VladimirK Any comments/help would be highly appreciated