
FIX: "Missing placeholders" Error for `MintAndSendTokens` Command

d3v3us opened this issue · 7 comments

Running command "ignite s message MintAndSendTokens denom:string amount:int recipient:string --module tokenfactory" gives an error "✘ Missing placeholders:" is there something I missed?

Using command from here

Thanks @deveusss

Are you using the full command from the tutorial? I don't see the --signer flag in your command. Can you please try that and if it does not work, I will flag this to the tutorials author.

ignite scaffold message MintAndSendTokens denom:string amount:int recipient:string --module tokenfactory --signer owner

Also, what version of CLI are you using. Please include the output of

ignite version

thank you @mondainai247

The same error with signer command

Ignite CLI version: v28.2.0
Ignite CLI build date: 2024-02-06T11:21:56Z
Ignite CLI source hash: af25183
Ignite CLI config version: v1
Cosmos SDK version: v0.50.3

Thank you @deveusss, for now, would you mind trying with an earlier version? It can be installed with

curl https://get.ignite.com/cli@v28.0.0! | bash

before doing that you can remove your currently installed ignite binary with

sudo rm -r $(which ignite)

I had heard some of the scaffolding placeholders were removed in version 28.2.0 though not sure if this is the reason for the error. If you can please check with a previous version, it would be most appreciated.

hey @mondainai247 , the same error, any other way I could resolve this issue?

I will ask @toschdev as I believe he wrote the tutorial, though not sure which version of ignite it was created with.

hey @toschdev, can you help me with this issue?

ignite scaffold chain tokenfactory --no-module

The above command doesn't generate client/cli folder under X.

Tried the whole tutorial of tokenfactory but that file is not generated in Ignite cli version v28.3.0

Client Updates

Navigate to the client in x/tokenfactory/client and make these changes:

Remove TestDeleteDenom() from tx_denom_test.go.
Eliminate CmdDeleteDenom() from tx_denom.go.
In tx.go, delete the line referencing the delete command.

Also the example has not been provide in the previous versions. Please advise how to delete the above if the CLI doesn't even generate the file?