
How to chat between 2 contacts

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello I have created 2 users i.e user1 and user2
Then i have added user1 to roaster of user2 and user2 to roaster of user1 with following way

RosterItemEntity rosterItemEntity = new RosterItemEntity("user1@testdomain.com", "user1", 3);
// Groups are optional
List groups = new ArrayList();
restApiClient.addRosterEntry("user2", rosterItemEntity);

RosterItemEntity rosterItemEntity = new RosterItemEntity("user2@testdomain.com", "user2", 3);
// Groups are optional
List groups = new ArrayList();
restApiClient.addRosterEntry("user1", rosterItemEntity);

Then i login with user1 in one client and login with user2 in second client
user1 showing one contact user2 similarly user2 shows one contact user1
But when i sent message from user1 to user2 or user2 to user1, messages are not delivered to each other

Redor commented

I don't think the problem have something todo with rest api client or roster. If you are sure thats is because of the rest client, please create a new ticket.

Now problem solved actually i was adding user like user@IP now i replace IP with server's PC name and its working