
Allow to customize config.js hosts -> domain property

nitomartinez opened this issue · 1 comments

Please allow to customize config.js hosts parameters.

Use case

When the domain used in Openfire is domain.com, and you use SRV registries to point to the right xmpp server, the jitsi url might be something different than domain.com.


  • Xmpp domain is domain.com
  • Users are: user1@domain.com
  • xmpp server is at: xmpp.domain.com with IP X.Y.Z.10
  • there is SRV registry as
    _xmpp-client._tcp.qindel.com. 900 IN SRV 5 0 5222 xmpp.qindel.com.
  • web site is at: qindel.com with IP X.Y.Z.11

With this configuration the share extension does not work, as it uses the domain->hosts entry to point to the browser url.

Example config.js

This the autogenerated config.js from the configuration servlet

  "hosts": {
    "domain": "domain.com",
    "focus": "focus.domain.com",
    "muc": "conference.domain.com",
    "bridge": "jitsi-videobridge.domain.com"

But according to the use case above it should be something like:

  "hosts": {
    "domain": "jitsi.domain.com",
    "focus": "focus.domain.com",
    "muc": "conference.domain.com",
    "bridge": "jitsi-videobridge.domain.com"


Allow to configure the config.js settings with configuration properties like:

  • org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.hosts.domain
  • org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.hosts.muc
  • org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.hosts.bridge
  • org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.hosts.focus

Full config.js

Example full config.js

var config = {
  "useNicks": false,
  "disableAudioLevels": false,
  "useIPv6": false,
  "webrtcIceTcpDisable": false,
  "defaultSipNumber": "",
  "startBitrate": 800,
  "enableWelcomePage": true,
  "useStunTurn": false,
  "enableRtpStats": true,
  "bosh": "wss://jitsi.domain.com:7443/ws/",
  "enableRecording": false,
  "resolution": 720,
  "constraints": {"video": {
    "aspectRatio": 16 / 9,
    "height": {
      "ideal": 720,
      "min": 240,
      "max": 2160
  "hiddenDomain": "recorder.domain.com",
  "enableLipSync": false,
  "minHDHeight": 540,
  "useRoomAsSharedDocumentName": false,
  "recordingType": "colibri",
  "desktopSharingChromeMinExtVersion": "",
  "startAudioMuted": 9,
  "openSctp": true,
  "clientNode": "http://igniterealtime.org/ofmeet/jitsi-meet/",
  "conferences": [],
  "channelLastN": -1,
  "desktopSharingFirefoxDisabled": false,
  "adaptiveLastN": false,
  "desktopSharingChromeExtId": "ehedngmcebdodaehdjbfpbogogehocml",
  "hosts": {
    "domain": "domain.com",
    "focus": "focus.domain.com",
    "muc": "conference.domain.com",
    "bridge": "jitsi-videobridge.domain.com"
  "logStats": false,
  "useRtcpMux": true,
  "requireDisplayName": false,
  "startVideoMuted": 9,
  "adaptiveSimulcast": true,
  "enforcedBridge": "jitsi-videobridge.domain.com",
  "useBundle": true,
  "p2p": {
    "disableH264": false,
    "preferH264": true,
    "useStunTurn": false,
    "enabled": true
  "desktopSharingChromeDisabled": false,
  "disableRtx": true,
  "disableAdaptiveSimulcast": false,
  "desktopSharingChromeSources": [
  "webrtcIceUdpDisable": false,
  "disableSimulcast": false,
  "startAudioOnly": false,
  "stereo": false,
  "focusUserJid": "focus@domain.com"

This issue has expired