
How to fix the vedio permission for ofmeet on iframe

Closed this issue · 3 comments

hi,i'm testing the ofmeet on my project.
i have trouble when i integrate the url https://my-server.7443/ofmeet/xxx
to layUI.
it seems it's a frame,so it can't get the video and microphone permissions.
could you give me a tip to solve the problem?
this is my usage.
type: 2,
title: 'openfire meeting',
shade: false,
maxmin: true,
area: ['90%', '90%'],
content: 'https://my-server:7443/ofmeet/test'

Actually, please ignore this. That settings applied to the admin console, not the client port used by the ofmeet plugin.

I don't know, but it's certainly worth setting the Openfire system property

adminConsole.frame-options to
allow-from https://example.com/

where https://example.com/ is the base URI of the server hosting the frame - note that there no path details, just protocol, host and port (if not the default). More details on what this option does are at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options

yes,i'm trying to fix it.it seems that i need to add property on iframe