
Enable-request without options fails

guusdk opened this issue · 5 comments

The Push Notification plugin should not fail processing a request to enable push notifications, when that request does not contain optional publication options.

Currently, the plugin incorrectly states that, in such cases, the push service for the specified node / user was already registered.

Siskin is affected by this, as it doesn't currently appear to send any options with the 'enable' request.

@pd888 Would you mind help testing the fix for this problem? The fix is available in any 'snapshot' build for the plugin that was created on or after 'Feb 3, 2021 3:23:31 PM'. You can download these snapshots from the plugin archive page at https://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/plugin-archive.jsp?plugin=pushnotification

pd888 commented

Sure @guusdk i'm happy to test it out, I will post results here.

pd888 commented

@guusdk I rebuilt my server for good measure and tested using 0.8.0 of push notfications.
Happy to report success! Push is now working. 🥇

Thank you for all your help.

Ah, thanks! I've pushed the release: https://discourse.igniterealtime.org/t/push-notification-openfire-plugin-0-8-0-released/

Thanks for your help in reporting, analyzing and fixing this!