params for render_to_string get into the wkhtmltopdf call
fwoeck opened this issue · 2 comments
fwoeck commented
Hi Igor, when I use a layout in my render methods, like:
pdf = render_to_string pdf: 'Document-Notes',
template: 'dokuments/dokuments_notes',
layout: 'meeting_report'
it get's into the wkhtmltopdf-call and causes an error. Same for the template:
"/bin/wkhtmltopdf" "--encoding" "UTF-8" "--layout" "meeting_report" "--dpi" "100" "--page-size" "A4" "--margin-top" "0" "--margin-bottom" "0" "--margin-left" "0" "--margin-right" "0" "--template" "meetings/generate_report" "--quiet" "-" "-"
Unknown long argument --layout
Thanks in advance,
igor-alexandrov commented
Fixed in wisepdf-1.1.2.
fwoeck commented
Thank you!