
WPManageNinja Year in Review

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Title*: WPManageNinja in Numbers: Looking Back to 2020
Author*: Shahjahan Jewel
URL*: https://wpmanageninja.com/wpmanageninja-year-in-review-2020/
Thumb (url): https://d1klenmqvfdv9g.cloudfront.net/wp-content/themes/wpmanageninja/assets/img/wpmanageninja_logo.svg
Categories: wordpress, business, profit, company, plugins, plugin
Year*: 2020

Hi @dearsadiq, added! Congrats on exceeding your growth target by 50%!

Thank you @igorbenic. we were working from home but we never forgot what our customers want. We'd love to continue with the same pace or more.