
Mons config module not reloaded on hot reload

ddosoff opened this issue · 1 comments

I added new tarantool options like memtx_* to tnt-config - https://github.com/ddosoff/tnt-config/blob/master/config.lua

Update your config-scm-1.rockspec to point this repo in meta.yaml.

Options not updated with package.reload():

2017-03-29 20:39:52.090 [10117] main/682/console/ I> 9th load. Unloading {chatbro, web_connections, tomcat_sessions, app, bench, lib, config, id, pg.driver, pg_import, users, pg}
2017-03-29 20:39:52.090 [10117] main/682/console/ I> package.reload:cleanup...
2017-03-29 20:39:52.100 [10117] main/682/console/ I> Removing trigger: web_connections_trigger
2017-03-29 20:39:52.100 [10117] main/682/console/ I> Truncate counters: web_connections_totals
2017-03-29 20:39:52.101 [10117] main/682/console/ I> Goodbye from chatbro
2017-03-29 20:39:52.101 [10117] main/682/console/ I> package.reload:cleanup finished
2017-03-29 20:39:52.104 [10117] main/682/console/ config.lua:158 E> Parameter 'box.checkpoint_count' = '20' is not a valid configuration option. Mask it with local, if it's a mistake
2017-03-29 20:39:52.104 [10117] main/682/console/ config.lua:158 E> Parameter 'box.memtx_memory' = '2147483648' is not a valid configuration option. Mask it with local, if it's a mistake
2017-03-29 20:39:52.104 [10117] main/682/console/ config.lua:158 E> Parameter 'box.checkpoint_interval' = '14400' is not a valid configuration option. Mask it with local, if it's a mistake

But it works on tarantool restart.

Thank you. Options are being updated properly.