
How to Integrate jQuery Mask Plugin with React.js?

igorescobar opened this issue · 7 comments

I've made a simple jsfiddle showing how to integrate jQuery Mask with React.js:

not work fiidle

Hello, to use with React, i need to install this plugin and jquery too ?

Definitely yes, It is jQuery plugin.

Yes, Need install and import jQuery as $ and need to import the code on top of the file, like this:

import $ from 'jquery';
import 'jquery-mask-plugin/dist/jquery.mask.min'; 

Theeennn... You can use it:

$('.dinheiro').mask('#.##0,00', {
      reverse: true,
      placeholder: '0,00'

I am clarifying this because I didn't find anyone saying nothing. And just adding the script into header tag doesn't work.

так же почему то не работает если прописать в input data-mask="..."

  1. First you must install jquery-mask-plugin by your package manager:


npm i jquery-mask-plugin


bower install jquery-mask-plugin


meteor add igorescobar:jquery-mask-plugin


composer require igorescobar/jquery-mask-plugin

  1. Then you will import jquery and jquery-mask-plugin in your component:
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'jquery-mask-plugin';

const Component = () => {
  $(() => {

  return (
    <form onSubmit = { e => e.preventDefault() }>
        type = 'text'
        id = 'date'
        placeholder = '00/00/0000'

export default Component;