
Upon adding layer mask, the brush/eraser are permanently in masking mode for that layer

dentistformyeye opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. Start with a new document. Switch to the brush tool. Draw a square.
  2. Add a layer mask. Attempt to make a side of the square thicker.
  3. Click the mask icon. The layer name should turn black. Attempt to mask a visible side of the square.
  4. Click the layer name. The layer name should turn white. Attempt to make a visible side of the square thicker.

In steps 2 and 4, the brush masks the original drawing instead of adding on to it.
Workaround: to draw normally, create another layer that doesn't have a mask.

Addressed in 8d8a997 (pending deployment)

Deployed onto production server. Thanks for reporting and the steps-to-reproduce, @dentistformyeye