
streaming upload "content-length: 0" overwrite bug

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The patch has broken streaming uploads to my Goliath server:

Test case here:

Offending code at EventMachine::HttpClient#send_request:


# Set the Content-Length if file is given
head['content-length'] = File.size(file) if file # !!! will be overwritten

# Set the Content-Length if body is given,
# or we're doing an empty post or put
if body
  head['content-length'] = body.bytesize 
elsif @req.method == 'POST' or @req.method == 'PUT'
  # wont happen if body is set and we already set content-length above
  head['content-length'] = 0 # !!! this overwrites content-length for streaming uploads


With correct "Content-Length" value attached scenario passes.

Thanks for reporting this!