
Probably memory leak while watching YouTube 720P video

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When using the lasted vision of spdyproxy (0.24, node-spdy 1.5))to watch YouTube 720P video, the "node"process terminated immediately. But watching the 480P is very smooth and fast.
The log is:

[33m124.205.203.134:57910�[39m - GET - stream ID: �[33m67�[39m
�[32mGET�[39m �[33m/sb/DconsfGsXyA/storyboard3_L1/M0.jpg?sigh=_ob8J3I8ej3ZYJ87Z-uXTwdmkI8�[39m
�[90m > �[39m�[36mhost�[39m: i1.ytimg.com
�[90m > �[39m�[36mpath�[39m: /sb/DconsfGsXyA/storyboard3_L1/M0.jpg?sigh=_ob8J3I8ej3ZYJ87Z-uXTwdmkI8
�[90m > �[39m�[36maccept�[39m: */*
�[90m > �[39m�[36maccept-charset�[39m: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
�[90m > �[39m�[36maccept-encoding�[39m: gzip,deflate,sdch
�[90m > �[39m�[36maccept-language�[39m: en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-CN;q=0.6,zh;q=0.4
�[90m > �[39m�[36mdnt�[39m: 1
�[90m > �[39m�[36mreferer�[39m: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DconsfGsXyA
�[90m > �[39m�[36muser-agent�[39m: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

And the proxy server's node process memory usage had burst:

�[7m  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            �(B�[m�[39;49m�[K
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0 58208  24m 6128 S  2.0  9.5   0:00.80 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0 58208  24m 6128 S  0.0  9.5   0:00.80 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      16   0 58208  24m 6128 S  4.0  9.6   0:00.84 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0  104m  67m 6132 S 67.5 26.4   0:01.52 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      16   0  122m  84m 6132 R 48.0 33.1   0:02.00 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0  158m 119m 6132 S 41.9 46.8   0:02.42 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0  197m 154m 6132 S 44.9 60.4   0:02.87 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m
�(B�[m 3140 root      15   0  233m 189m 6132 S 49.0 73.9   0:03.36 node               �(B�[m�[39;49m

Hmm, that doesn't look good.. /cc @indutny

Which node version are you using?

@demon-iak have you tried upgrading to latest version?

I'm on pretty tight schedule so for now I'll just ignore it... :) Let me know if this is reproducible with latests versions and please give me some instructions on how to test it locally.

I can not confirm.
Just did a new install on opensuse 11.4:
npm 1.2.18
node v0.10.4
node-spdy 1.5.0
spdyproxy 0.24

No problem to watch

besides some short pauses because of my slow (1MBit) DSL.

Client running Chrome is Win7; spdyproxy installed in my local Net on 192.168.0.x

Thanks @reinerotto. Closing this bug.

@demon-iak if the problem is still there for you (after upgrading node), let us know.