
Needs Gnome 45 Support

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I love using this extension so thanks for making it. Now the next Gnome 45 release is going to change up some dynamics with extensions, so unless you update your extension to support ESM, it is NOT going to work on Gnome 45. There is a blog post from the Gnome devs here that details briefly the reasons for this change and what we can do to help update extensions to the new release: https://blogs.gnome.org/shell-dev/2023/09/02/extensions-in-gnome-45/

tl;dr, GNOME Shell moved from GJS’ own custom imports system to standard JavaScript modules (ESM), which breaks every extension unless it's updated to support Gnome 45. Please let us know if your extension can be updated to support Gnome 45 (it's release should be within the month btw). I hope this can be updated in time, and thanks again for making a very useful little extension.

As of Oct. 1st, the Dev has updated to support new GNOME Shell 45 based on ESM. Thank you very much!