
Primary LanguageFortran

SCEPTIC: Specialized Coordinate Electrostatic Particle and Thermals In Cell

This package contains:

	1) the CIC version of SCEPTIC (main folder)
	2) a library of graphic functions (accis)
	2) fortran postprocessing tools (tools)
	3) matlab postprocessing tools (Matlabtools)

The main code, accis and the fortran tools come with a file "Makefile".

On a linux system, the serial SCEPTIC code is built by:

(It tries to choose a compiler automatically as available.)

The mpi version is built by:
	make scepticmpi

The postprocessing routines are built by:
	make tools

To make with a particular fortran compiler (e.g. pathf95) do
   make clean
   echo pathf95 > compiler
   make sceptic


running ./sceptic or ./scepticmpi without flags gives some help


mpirun -n 36 ./scepticmpi -l1 -t0.1 -v0.5 -x20 -s1000 -nr100
-nt30 --bz1.25 -nt30 -f -g

This example runs the mpi version of sceptic with L_De=1, T_i=0.1,
v_d=0.5, r_b=20, nsteps=1000, n_r=100, n_theta=30, B_z=12.5, and not
graphical output.

A detailed explanation of the normalizations is given in the header

Reading SCEPTIC .dat files

After a run is complete, sceptic creates a .dat file.

The .dat file can be read with ./tools./postproc:


./postproc -f -b -n -t -e -l ./../T1m1v050r20P04L1e0B12m1.dat

running ./postproc without flags gives some help

Several ./dat files with different magnetic fields can be analyzed
together using postprocB.


./postprocB ./../T1m1v050r20P04L1e0B*.dat

Reading SCEPTIC .dat files using matlab

The folder Matlabtools contains several Matlab routines to perform
essentially the same tasks as the fortran tools.


The subdirectory accis contains a graphics library used by SCEPTIC
(copyright Ian Hutchinson).

It will compile automatically, but both codes depend on having the X11
libraries in the usual places, and might require additional library
paths to be specified.

A guide for the accis routines is in accis/accissum.tex.

In general, when the graphics plotting completes, and the program pauses,
left click the mouse in the graphics window to continue.