
Primary LanguageFortran

SCEPTIC3D: Specialized Coordinate Electrostatic Particle and Thermals In Cell 3D

This package contains:

	1) the SCEPTIC3D code (main folder)
	2) a library of graphic functions (accis)
	3) matlab postprocessing tools (Matlabtools)

Optional functionality available in separate archives:

	1) a subfolder required for HDF5 output (hdf5-1.8.4)

Building SCEPTIC3D on a linux system

`make sceptic3D` builds the serial version with ASCII output.
Note that this requires the development versions of the Xt and X11 libraries.

`make sceptic3Dmpi` builds the parallel version with ASCII output.
Note that this also requires an MPI implementation (tested with MPICH2).

`make sceptic3Dhdf` builds the serial version with HDF output.
Note that this also requires the folder hdf5-1.8.4 to be in the
sceptic3Dprod directory. 

`make sceptic3Dmpihdf` builds the parallel version with HDF output.


`./sceptic3D` gives a usage message listing the available flags.

`mpirun -n 8 ./sceptic3Dmpi -l1 -t0.1 -v0.5 -x20 -s1000 -nr100
-nt30 -np30 --bz1.25 -f -g --sp`

This example runs the mpi version of SCEPTIC3D with L_De=1, T_i=0.1,
v_d=0.5, r_b=20, nsteps=1000, n_r=100, n_theta=30, n_psi=30, B_z=1.25,
without graphical output, and using the parallel Poisson solver.

A detailed explanation of the normalizations is given in the references
listed in the header of the file sceptic3D.F.

Reading SCEPTIC3D .dat files using Matlab

The folder Matlabtools contains several Matlab routines that read and
process the SCEPTIC3D ASCII output file. See the file README.pdf in
that folder for details.


The subdirectory accis contains a graphics library used by SCEPTIC3D
(copyright Ian Hutchinson).

It will compile automatically, but both codes depend on having the X11
libraries in the usual places.

A guide for the accis routines is in accis/accissum.tex.

In general, when the graphics plotting completes, and the program pauses,
left click the mouse in the graphics window to continue.