
Access language and value of LngString

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Currently it looks like you create a LngString as follows:

test=LngString(__root__={'en': ['label'], 'cy': ['welsh']})

and then to find out what languages are available in the lang string you need to do:

>>> test.__root__.keys()
dict_keys(['en', 'cy'])

and to find the values you would need to do:

>>> test.__root__['cy']

It would be nice if you could call LngString.lang for the languages and LngString.values(lang) for the values.

Function name / Parameters / Return

Function name:
lang property and values method


LngString.lang returns a list of Strings

LngString.values takes in a language string and returns an array of Strings


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It would also be nice if we could sort out the constructor for LngString.

Good idea. I think this pattern is the same for any object that just has a __root__ key in the skeleton (e.g you can't create a Format object with f = Format("text/html") but have to use f = Format(__root__ = "text/html").

I wonder if we could achieve this with some more code in the __setattr__ handler in the base class, similar to how we use __getattribute__ to automatically return the __root__ (or a string representation if __root__ is an AnyUrl)

Discussed in the prezi3 meeting and this isn't necessary. It is unusual and not supported to instantiate the LngString directly and more likely you would do something like this:

                      'en': ['Eng label'], 
                      'cy': ['Welsh label']

where the base code handles setting __root__ and returning __root__ so you can do things like:

# Get languages available
>>> example.label.keys()
dict_keys(['en', 'cy'])

# Get value for English:
>>> example.label['en']
['Eng label']