
More granular playback speed control

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What IINA does currently:

IINA playback speed control is awkward to use:

  1. In Playback menu you can only speed up by 2x / down by 0.5x each time, which is way too big a jump.
  1. In OSD Quick Settings the playback speed slide uses logarithmic markers, which is not human-friendly.

Why you think this should be added:

Playback speed control should be more natural, human-friendly, and easy to access. Specifically,

  1. Playback menu should use speed control with linear ±0.25x each time. With keyboard shortcuts it allows users to rapidly change to desired speed quickly.
  2. OSD should add YouTube-like common speed options.
  3. OSD Quick Settings speed slide should use human-friendly makers, ideally at linear ±0.25x to match Playback menu.

Examples of other projects that have something similar:

YouTube features more natural and granular playback speed options:
