
Specific UX for audio files, add a background to audio-only files

LeOndaz opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm currently listening to .opus (audio-only) file, and I can only see a black background, how about having a background for audio only? just as a basic audio player even though I know it's not intended to be a music player, but it seems fit

What do you think

I can only see a black background

That is not what I see. I see this:

Or if the opus file contains cover art then that picture is displayed.

If in IINA's settings on the General tab in the Behavior section the setting Switch to "music mode" automatically when playing an audio file is disabled then IINA will not switch to Music Mode and instead will display the normal video window. If the audio file does not contain cover art it will display a black screen. Is that what you are seeing?

There is also a known problem where IINA sometimes fails to enter music mode. See issue #4461.

Under the Video menu there is a Enter Music Mode/Exit Menu Mode menu item that allows you to switch between modes, so you can always enter music mode manually.

I will label this as a feature request to display something when playing audio and not in music mode.