
Leave controls on where they aren't obstructing anything

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It would be cool if when there's no video to obstruct, i.e. playing audio, the controls remained visible. I realized this trying to get to the volume slider which is kinda hard. In Music Mode, it's automatically hidden and the scroll wheel scrubs the timeline which already has a visible slider rather than the volume which was put behind a click and the pause you have to make hovering the app so the controls fade into view.

Volume control, I think is more important than scrubbing the track, and sure, there are already keys in the keyboard for that, unless another app makes them useless, e.g; Airfoil playing to speakers at different volumes.

In normal(?) mode, where hearing is no longer your only concern ironically, the volume slider is easier to get to rather than the other way around. That is IF the window is big enough, else playhead position is given preference as well. In that case it makes sense though, but you get the idea.

In music mode if you position the cursor near the sound icon in the controller and move the mouse vertical scroll wheel it will change the volume without the need to click on the icon and bring up the volume slider. If you look close you can see the icon changes when you lower the volume.

If you position the mouse outside of the controller where the cover art is shown the slider will appear once you move the scroll wheel.

The above behavior assumes that the Scroll vertically to setting is set to Adjust volume on the Control tab of IINA's settings.

Is this about scrolling with the touchpad?