Not Able To Add Products
JhansiMNS opened this issue · 3 comments
JhansiMNS commented
How Do I Switch To The Admin Mode? Where Do I Do These Changes "isAdmin==true"?
rotfil commented
Haha, currently in the same place. It was all going so well. :D
rotfil commented
I got it. If you search the entire project for admin (CTRL+SHIFT+F in Visual Studio Code) you can see on line 55 of auth.service.ts:
loggedUser.isAdmin = === "" ? true : false;
So if the current user is it will be the admin user and you can add products.
If you just register a new user with it'll work as the admin user, or update that line to your own user.
ikismail commented
Its a temporary one, I will update the logic soon 🔥. sorry for the inconvenience, 🙏