Upgrade to 1.6.0 breaks Validation Dependencies
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Coming from 1.5.0, upgrading to 1.6.0 break nested validation dependencies. Nested validator seems un-called.
An example class from our project
class EmailActivationToken extends Base {
use \Validation\Traits\CortexTrait;
protected $fieldConf = [
'used' => [
'type' => Schema::DT_INT1,
'default' => 0,
'nullable' => false,
'updating_ip' => [
'type' => Schema::DT_VARCHAR128,
'nullable' => true,
'validate' => 'required',
'validate_depends' => [
'used' => ['validate', 'email_activation_require_update'],
We expect the updating_ip
field to be required
only if our custom validator email_activation_require_update
is True.
I've added some custom debug in email_activation_require_update
, but code seems to never be reached.
Current code works fine with 1.5.0, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.
Hi there. Sorry for the confusion.. I've checked that more than once again now and I still have the opinion that's the other way round. It wasn't just properly implemented yet. The documentation already said it correctly:
'foo' => [
'validate' => 'required',
'validate_depends' => [
'bar' => ['validate', 'min_numeric,2']
When the nested validation is TRUE (valid), then the dependency is met and the validation of foo goes on, otherwise it's skipped.
So if your custom validator returns TRUE, the validation is true and the field updating_ip
becomes required... actually it's exactly how you expected it right now. Could it be that your custom validator isnt properly working? (check the 3rd True argument for type verification maybe?)
I noticed that this condition in 1.5 was wrong because some obvious examples did not work, including:
'contact_name' => [
'type' => self::DT_VARCHAR128,
'validate_depends'=>['contact_surname'=>['validate', 'required']],
or something simple as
'foo' => [
'type' => self::DT_VARCHAR128,
'validate_depends'=>['bar'=>['validate', 'empty']],
So if bar
is empty, then foo
becomes required. That's the way it should work and is working now in 1.6
Thanks for your feedback, I'll check my custom validator twice :)
If this is a breaking change, maybe that should be added to the release note, no ?
well... it's not a breaking change actually.. it just has not worked correctly as described before ^^