
Is the repo dead?

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Question in title, cant access "https://nexus.ikus-soft.com/repository/apt-release-focal/" -> So no way to install Minarca -> Quick Installation wont work for me
Cant download the windows client also

Kind Regards

Found this https://nexus.ikus-soft.com/#browse/search=:NX.coreui.model.Component-1236:85135652a978be9a0d897d43126c1782
and replaced the repo in minarca.list accordingly (to -> apt-release-bullseye)... seems to work


For Minarca Server, Ubuntu Focal is not supported. With the latest version, only Ubuntu Jammy is supported. https://nexus.ikus-soft.com/repository/archive/minarca/4.2.5/doc/installation.html#recommended-server-requirement

For Minarca Client, I could check if it's possible to add it. Possible it's missing some dependencies.

Hi ikus060, ty for your response!

TBH Im a Ubuntu newbie

Yeah Ive seen that only 22.04 is supported, so I upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04.
I made changes to the minarca.list (to bullseye -> which I guess makes no sense with ubuntu 22.04) after intial setup wouldnt start.
I was able to install it but somehow cant open the web-ui

I deleted everything and made no changes ->

This is my minarca.list after the step by step Installation:

deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/minarca-keyring.gpg] https://nexus.ikus-soft.com/repository/apt-release-jammy/ jammy main

So I guess it HAS to be this repo for 22.04 and dont make changes at all -> So I guess it just wont install because the repo is down for jammy?

Thats the error message I get when I leave everything standard (no chnages to the minarca.list)

E: No installation candidate exists for package "minarca-server".


I just check. It's a problem with our repo. A clean-up job deleted the package. That was not supposed to happen.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

I will check it's it's possible for me to re-generate the package and publish them.

I've re-upload the packages to the repository. Very sorry for the inconvenience.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install minarca-server

Should to the trick.

Ty Patrick! Will check It right away.

Edit: Its working fine! Ty for your time and effort creating this software! Wish you the best

Edit2: Somehow the Terminal cant find the (minarca-server -commands; starting up the Webserver and service was no problem btw)
SHould be fixable by me by just adding it to paths? -> I added "/opt/minarca-server/bin", commands now working
Also, I had no "/etc/minarca/conf.d/*.conf" file and diectory -> Good idea to create it manually?

minarca-server executable is located in /opt I don't think a symbolic link is created in /usr/bin. That explain why it's not in your path. Anyway I do not expect administrator to call the executable directly.

As for /etc/minarca/conf.d/ I might check to create a placeholder file to get it created during installation.

You might be interested to know I've release a new version of Minarca. That should include the change for /etc/minarca/conf.d/