
C:\Users\xxx\.nuget\packages\ikvm\8.7.5\buildTransitive\IKVM.targets(98,9): error MSB4018: The "IkvmReferenceItemPrepare" task failed unexpectedly.

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Dear support,

since I checked out my project on a new workstation I'm getting the following error:

C:\Users\xxx.nuget\packages\ikvm\8.7.5\buildTransitive\IKVM.targets(98,9): error MSB4018: The "IkvmReferenceItemPrepare" task failed unexpectedly.

C:\Users\xxx.nuget\packages\ikvm\8.7.5\buildTransitive\IKVM.targets(98,9): error MSB4018: System.IO.InvalidDataException->Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildException.GenericBuildTransferredException: End of Central Directory record could not be found.

I tried to clear the nuget packages folder and let VS recreate it but it dind't solved. I would say I'm stuck. Any hint?

My project is in .net 8, developed on Visual Studio 2022. I reference the nuget package:


That's an error about a zip file.... End of central directory....

It might be a corrupt jar?

It was something I supposed..

I use IKVM to load:

Is there pewrhaps a jar caching directory where I can check? I'm on Windows

Many trhanks

I do not know what you are trying to actually do, so I can't answer that.

I was sure to have pasted it
<MavenReference Include="net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE" version="11.6" />

So I suppose Saxon jar is somewhere corrupted

Possible. Or a dependency. Or it's not pointing to a JAR file at all. That error is about the IkvmReferenceItemPrepare task not being able to parse a JAR file to determine an assembly name or version, I believe. It tries to open the reference to find META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, to see if it has an Automatic-Module-Name attribute.

Sincerely I'm a bit lost.

THe eror is pointing to IKWM.Targets

<!-- Populates metadata, validates, resolves references, and emits in build order. --> <IkvmReferenceItemPrepare StateFile="$(_IkvmReferenceItemPrepareStateFile)" Items="@(IkvmReferenceItem)" ToolVersion="$(IkvmVersion)" ToolFramework="$(IkvmToolFramework)" RuntimeAssembly="$(IkvmRuntimeAssembly)" References="@(_IkvmReferenceReferences)" StageDir="$(IkvmStageDir)" CacheDir="$(IkvmCacheDir)"> <Output TaskParameter="Items" ItemName="_IkvmReferenceItemWithMetadata" /> </IkvmReferenceItemPrepare>

but doens't say more.

Is there a way to nealbe some loggin of what's happening?

THe thing is that same project is working on another windows pc

Could enable MSBuild binary logs and see the JAR files it is attempting to process, and then look at them.

I see these errors that could possibly lead to the problem :

IKVM.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" in an external task host with a runtime of "CLR4" and a process architecture of "x64".

7> Task Parameter:CacheDir=C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ikvm\cache\1
7> Launching task "IkvmReferenceItemPrepare" from assembly "C:\Users\xxx.nuget\packages\ikvm.msbuild\8.7.5\buildTransitive..\tasks\net472\IKVM.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" in an external task host with a runtime of "CLR4" and a process architecture of "x64".
7> Successfully loaded assembly info state.
7> Successfully loaded file identity state.
7> C:\Users\xxx.nuget\packages\ikvm\8.7.5\buildTransitive\IKVM.targets(98,9): error MSB4018: The "IkvmReferenceItemPrepare" task failed unexpectedly.
7> C:\Users\xxx.nuget\packages\ikvm\8.7.5\buildTransitive\IKVM.targets(98,9): error MSB4018: System.IO.InvalidDataException->Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildException.GenericBuildTransferredException: End of Central Directory record could not be found.
7> Done executing task "IkvmReferenceItemPrepare" -- FAILED.

Can you try enabling the MSBuild binary logger, increasing MSBuild logging verbosity to detailed, and seeing the JAR files that are actually being processed?

Thank you man.


It pointed me out C:\Users\xxx.m2\repository

which contained corrupted jar files :(

Removed them, rebuilt, and now it works,

Thanks again!
