
Unable to set toolset version

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Tried to add this script in my project, it failed to find toolset version 14.38.

Run ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
arch: x64
toolset: 14.38
Found with vswhere: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat
Error: Could not setup Developer Command Prompt: invalid parameters
[ERROR:vcvars.bat] Toolset directory for version '14.38' was not found.
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] *** VsDevCmd.bat encountered errors. Environment may be incomplete and/or incorrect. ***
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] In an uninitialized command prompt, please 'set VSCMD_DEBUG=[value]' and then re-run
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] vsdevcmd.bat [args] for additional details.
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] Where [value] is:
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] 1 : basic debug logging
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] 2 : detailed debug logging
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] 3 : trace level logging. Redirection of output to a file when using this level is recommended.
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] Example: set VSCMD_DEBUG=3
[ERROR:VsDevCmd.bat] vsdevcmd.bat > vsdevcmd.trace.txt 2>&1

According to information from other issues, the toolset version can only be set to the version included in runner images. However, in the 20240514 update, Github removed almost all toolsets from other versions and has not been added back yet. Does this mean that the ‘version’ input arg is no longer available?


Does this mean that the ‘version’ input arg is no longer available?

That means that the "version" arg is almost useless for GitHub runners.