
no audio in VM after passthrough

toxicfox2491 opened this issue · 2 comments

Ive setup a VM with windows 10 running on it and pre setup the audio was fine
right after I ran the scripts and adjusted the VM accordingly everything works except the audio
I may just be missing something and if so could you tell me?

if it helps heres the VMs XML

ok so I finally got audio working, I originally asked a tech support channel in a programming server for some idea's on fixing it if that makes sense and ended up using a temporary solution of using an app called AudioRelay

eventually I started looking again and found people adding PulseAudio as a device
there where 2 issues with this and that is virt manager seemingly adding "Spice Audio" out of no where and only visible in the XML file
and the fact pulse audio apparently gets killed when the VM is launched, I managed to find that out on one of the gitlab issues
so adding : <audio id="1" type="pulseaudio" serverName="/run/user/1000/pulse/native">
worked but only if you launched the VM from TTY using virsh

Another update!
after mentioning this in a discord server someone that enabling lingering in my display manager (SDDM) should be able to fix the issue where killing the DE also kills pulse audio!
So I tried it, I enabled lingering and it just works now! I can start the VM with functioning audio now without having to go to TTY first