Missing implementation of product for Ratio
JuliusHerrmann opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi everyone,
this is my first contribution/issue so please correct me on anything :).
During a university course I came across the problem of calculating the product of an iterator of Ratio
This is an example that would not work but I think should be possible:
extern crate uom;
use uom::si::ratio::percent;
use uom::si::rational64::Ratio;
fn test_uom() -> Ratio {
let ratios = vec![Ratio::new::<percent>(100.into()), Ratio::new::<percent>(200.into())];
I searched around a bit and came across the "num" crate. This implements Ratio and product of ratios, so I think it should be possible for "uom" to do the same.
This here works in the "num" crate:
use num::rational::Ratio;
fn test_num() -> num::rational::Ratio<usize> {
let ratios = vec![Ratio::from_integer(1), Ratio::from_integer(2)];
In the end I used
|acc, x| acc * x
which worked. Which leads me to the conclusion that there is no fundamental problem hindering the support of product on ratios.
To sum it up I think product over ratios should/could be supported.
Thanks :)
Thanks for the issue, however this functionality was removed in #15 as it doesn't work in the general case! While the product of ratios is still a ratio the product of other quantities is not that same quantity. e.g. Length * length = area. Length * length * length = volume. Product requires that all items are of the same type and the result is also that same type.